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Rongzhen Mu


This project identified six main architectural features of the former asylum building which contributed most to the decline of its inhabitant’s mental health. These features become the Eyes of Disruption. A series of concentric rings radiate out from the eyes of disruption. The centre being the place where most disruption took place in the form of demolition, with less disruption occurring the further you move away from these centre points. While the centre point is a new building, it takes the form of the demolished element in a highly distorted way, this is most clearly seen the renders and plan of the tower. Disruption occurs through rotating, distorting, twisting, rescaling & resetting elements of the former asylum building and its grounds, to break and destroy the negative influence and history of the institutional architecture. The concentric rings also set up the rules of adaptation for the former asylum building, creating a new architectural language which disrupts the former.


Focused on improving one’s mental health as a reaction against the impact the former asylum had on its inhabitant mental health, this project aims to promote the importance of mental health by providing a care facility, memorial tower, and a meditation garden for the community of Kew.

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